偏硬仙人掌纖維山毛櫸木乾刷 Professional Dry Skin Body Brush with Pure Cactus Bristle (1pcs)



取材天然|可持續發展|健康衛生|乾濕兩用|抗菌防霉 ◆ 特色: 這款仙人掌纖維乾刷採用FSC®認證的可持續山毛櫸木製成,經過特殊熱處理的木材來防止開裂並完成雙重打蠟,因此具有防黴特性和符合人體工程學設計,手持式弧形設計方便握持 使用乾刷身體能有效刺激並增加肌膚彈性、促進免疫系統、增加血液循環、改善皮膚鬆弛、妊娠紋、防止橘皮組織的積聚、減輕水腫及減少毛髮內生等皮膚問題… *最理想的乾濕兩用設計,適合所有膚質 ◆ 材質: 木材:山毛櫸木(FSC®認證) 刷毛:仙人掌纖維(中等偏硬) ◆ 功效: 用最天然的方法去角質,能有效刺激並增加肌膚彈性、促進免疫系統、增加血液循環、改善皮膚鬆弛、妊娠紋、防止橘皮組織的積聚、減輕水腫、減少毛髮內生狀況… ◆ 使用說明:  ➔ 進行乾刷最佳時間是沐浴之前,記得要由身體最外端向心臟方向進行 可以從腳部開始手握乾刷輕輕的往上刷 由手指往肩膀處刷,在胸腹等位置則以順時針刷過 *注意力度只要肌膚有感覺到被刷過  ➔ 進行濕刷最佳時間是洗澡或泡澡後,由於泡澡後肌肉較鬆,比較能輕鬆推到脂肪深層,且泡澡後更促進血液循環,同時搭配精油按摩,效果更好 順著小腿由下往上刷一分鐘,放鬆腫脹、緊繃肌肉 拍打後畫圓一分鐘,進一步讓大腿脂肪得到分離 由下往上加強大腿後側,由於臀部脂肪較厚,刷的時候可稍微用力一些 *不要在敏感區域上使用,面部請選擇合適尺吋的乾刷 *如果肌膚紅腫請調整合適力度使用 ◆ 護理: 使用後沖洗乾淨,自然風乾,刷毛朝下 Professional Dry Skin Body Brush With Pure Cactus Bristle ☑Professional Body Brush ☑Dry Body Brushing ☑FSC Certified Beechwood ☑Pure Cactus Bristle ☑Exfoliates & removing dead skin cells ☑Reduce cellulite & stimulate your lymphatic system Revive your Natural Glow with our Professional Body Brush. Our Brush is carefully crafted with FSC Certified Beechwood and combined with firm cactus bristles which are ideal for the more experienced dry body brush user. The cacutus bristles have been uniquely cut to form a soft curve which helps the brush to work smoothly over your body contours for ease of use and maximum benefits. Benefits: Regular Body Brushing not only exfoliates... it can help to remove dead skin cells, reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve skin tone. Our Brush can be used wet in the shower or is an ideal introduction to Dry Body Brushing. How to Use: Use our Brush on dry skin before showering.Begin at your feet and brush upwards towards your heart using long smooth strokes. Use small circular, clockwise motions on the abdomen and chest. Be careful not to scrub the skin. Brush Care: After each use, tap the Brush to remove dead skin debris. Hand wash the bristles occasionally in warm soapy water. Rinse and shake well to remove excess water and air dry with the bristles facing down. Exfoliating Strength: Coarse

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