嬰幼兒100%純淨死海泥 Baby Dead Sea Black Mineral Mask (400g)



◆ 特色: 從以色列死海海底開採及篩選100%濃度死海泥,屬於不可再生資源,蘊含豐富礦物質及稀有微量元素,針對緩解各種皮膚疾病,如牛皮癬,濕疹,暗瘡。能有效改善和促進血液循環,加速癒合過程。 ☑淨化身體內外毒素、提升體質,促進血液循環、加速癒合過程 ☑消炎除菌、壓止痕癢、祛腫散瘀、預防蚊叮蟲咬除蟎 ☑死海泥蘊含豐富礦物質和稀有微量元素修護肌膚,刺激肌膚再生改善膚質,回復健康細胞 ☑舒緩皮膚過敏、皮疹、濕疹等,有效緩解各種皮膚疾病 .天然純淨死海精華.不含加工/香料/油脂/致敏原.無任何副作用 ◆ 成份: 天然死海泥 ◆ 使用說明: 1.浸浴➔調配適量死海泥進浴盤內,浸浴15-20分鐘,可淨化身體內外毒素、提升體質,加速血液循環、消除疲勞、消炎除菌、壓止痕癢、平衡油脂等 2.面膜、體膜➔取適量死海泥敷在身體皮膚上,靜待泥膜變乾身顏色轉變,清水洗淨即可 3.調理皮疹傷口➔取適量死海泥敷在傷患處作天然礦物消炎除菌效用 *專業使用可查詢專科醫生建議 ◆ 容量:400g ◆ 保存方式: 請放置於30℃以下乾燥陰涼處,保持通風 ,避免陽光照射 100% concentration of carefully sifted dead sea black mud obtained from the bottom of the Sea. It is the homogeneous mixture of Dead Sea salts, minerals and oils from organic elements retrieved from the shoreline as well as mixed with earth. It is highly recommended for easing various skin ailments such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne. It also improves and stimulates blood circulation due to its thermopexic properties, speeding the healing process

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