方形野豬鬃毛橄欖木梳 Olive Wood Styling Hair Brush - Pure Boar Bristle (1pcs)



取材天然|可持續發展|健康衛生|乾濕兩用|抗菌防霉 ◆ 特色: 這款方形野豬鬃毛橄欖木梳採用FSC®認證的可持續橄欖木製成,經過特殊熱處理的木材來防止開裂並完成雙重打蠟,因此具有防黴特性和符合人體工程學設計,方便握持。每一個都具獨一無二的獨特紋理和豐富的色彩深度 使用動物毛製作的梳子當中,又以野豬毛製最具彈力。梳齒上的毛根根分明,即便髮量再多也能確實地深入髮根梳理。野豬毛中還含有適當的油份和水份,得以抑制靜電產生並預防、改善分岔和打結的現象 梳齒間的距離較大,梳理時不易使頭髮打結,輕柔地將頭髮的糾結處打開,並將毛囊的油脂均勻分布至所有髮絲,有助穩定油脂平衡,有效解決髮尾乾燥、頭髮糾結 ◆ 功效: 使用頭部按摩刷梳髮時按摩頭部和頭皮放鬆及活躍,能有效調理頭皮健康,舒緩頭部壓力、刺激頭髮健康生長、促進頭皮血液循環。能輕鬆解開糾結亂結、撫順毛燥頭髮,恢復頭髮柔順光澤,減少脫髮、皮屑、頭髮打結問題 FSC®認證橄欖原木製作結構牢固|野豬鬃毛抑制靜電|頭皮按摩|減少脫髮|亮澤柔順 ◆ 材質: 木材:橄欖木(FSC®認證) 刷毛:野豬鬃毛(中等彈性) ◆ 使用說明: 洗髮前,先將髮尾梳開,按摩頭皮舒緩放鬆,同時將附著在頭髮上的髒污灰塵梳掉 起床後,梳理頭髮,幫助頭皮分泌的良好的油脂,分佈在整個頭髮髮絲上,讓頭髮更柔順光澤更健康 ◆ 護理: 定期清理,沖洗乾淨,自然風乾,注意刷毛朝下 Olive Wood Styling Hair Brush - Pure Boar Bristle (1pcs) ☑Professional stylish Hair Brush ☑Styling Hair Brush ☑FSC Certified Olive Wood ☑Pure Boar Bristle ☑Water resistant qualities ☑ergonomic design The stylish brush is carved from strong Mediterranean Olive Wood with a unique distinctive grain and rich depth of colour. With water resistant qualities and ergonomic design, this brush is as beautiful to look at as it is to use. Regular brushing stimulates scalp circulation for healthy hair. The strong, flexible pure natural bristle cleans hair by drawing out dirt particles, and moisturises the hair by distributing its natural oils to smooth and condition hair while adding shine. Benefits: The Pure Boar Bristle is perfect for massaging the head & scalp to relax and invigorate, while stimulating the scalp for healthy hair growth. With water resistant qualities and ergonomic design, this brush can be used in the shower to melt away stress and tensions. Due to the natural materials, each brush will have it's own unique design. Hair brush is made of Pure Boar Bristle, reducing friction with hair. It's easily able to comb your entangled hair and meanwhile massage the scalp to enhance hair follicle metabolism. Not only that, Pure Boar Bristle takes your pure oils down to the ends of the hair, which add more shine to your hair. How to Use: Regular brushing stimulates scalp circulation for healthy hair. Brush Care: 1.Avoid long periods of direct sunlight, lest cause products aging. 2.Do not rub against hard or rough objects to avoid scratches, affecting beauty. 3.This brush is premium quality and hard wearing. To clean the brush, run a comb through the bristles to loosen any particles. Wash with a cleansing product like shampoo and dry with the bristles facing down.

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