柔軟馬鬃毛橄欖木去角質潔臉刷 Olive Wood Exfoliating Facial Brush With Pure Mane Bristle (1pcs)



◆ 特色: 這款柔軟馬鬃毛橄欖木去角質潔臉刷採用堅硬的地中海橄欖木雕刻製成,精良使用經過特殊熱處理的木材來防止開裂並完成雙重打蠟,具有獨特的獨特紋理和豐富的色彩深度。材質具有防黴特性和符合人體工程學設計,方便握持。中等偏柔軟的天然馬鬃毛非常適合深層清潔毛孔,輕柔地去角質,同時能刺激皮膚表層、增加肌膚彈性、促進免疫系統、增加血液循環,減輕水腫情況,使皮膚更健康。*適合所有膚質 ◆ 材質: 木材:地中海橄欖木(FSC®認證) 刷毛:小馬鬃毛(中等偏軟) ◆ 功效: 用最天然的方法去角質,能有效刺激並增加肌膚彈性、促進免疫系統、增加血液循環、改善皮膚鬆弛、妊娠紋、皺紋、防止橘皮組織的積聚、減輕水腫、減少毛髮內生狀況… ◆ 使用說明: ➔ 以小打圈方式配合按摩,由外往內進行輕刷,不需要很用力,只要肌膚有感覺到被刷過。 *可用於身體各處皮膚,特別適合潔臉使用。 *如果肌膚紅腫、發癢,就代表力道太強需要合適調整 *不要在破損的皮膚上使用 ◆ 護理: 使用後輕拍刷子去除皮膚碎屑。 需要時,在溫肥皂水中清洗,沖洗乾淨,自然風乾,刷毛朝下 *該系列中的所有刷子都是優質、耐磨的,但純天然難免有少許可以接受的瑕疵,每個產品紋理獨一無二 This stylish brush is carved from strong Mediterranean Olive Wood with a unique distinctive grain and rich depth of colour. With water resistant qualities and ergonomic design, this brush is as beautiful to look at as it is to use. The soft to medium natural bristle is perfect for deep cleansing the pores while gently stimulating the circulation and the lymph nodes for healthier skin and a radiant glow. Use wet with your favourite cleansing product, or dry and brush the face in small circular movements. Premium quality Facial Brush made from Olive wood. Featuring soft/medium bristles, this facial brush gently exfoliates and boosts circulation. Olive wood has a rich distinctive grain and is highly water resistant, making this product an aesthetically pleasing and functional item. This brush is premium quality and hard wearing. To clean the brush wash with a cleansing product like shampoo and dry with the bristles facing down. .Premium quality Facial Brush with soft/medium bristles .Ethically sourced Olive wood brush handle and pony bristles .Water resistant Olive wood for durability .Size: approx 15cm long with approx 5cm diameter round brush-head

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