西波爾麻山毛櫸木手指刷 Wooden Nail Brush with Natural Sisal bristles (1pcs)



取材天然|可持續發展|健康衛生|乾濕兩用|抗菌防霉 ◆ 特色: 西波爾麻手指刷採用FSC®認證的可持續山毛櫸木製成的製作,精良使用經過特殊熱處理的木材來防止開裂並完成雙重打蠟,因此具有防黴特性和符合人體工程學設計,以木製手柄,方便握持。刷毛選擇偏硬的西波爾麻,兩種長度尺寸,非常適合去除指甲和手上的頑固污垢角質等 ◆ 材質: 木材:山毛櫸木(FSC®認證) 刷毛:西波爾麻(中等偏硬) ◆ 功效: 用最天然的方法清潔、去除廢老角質,能有效刺激並增加肌膚彈性、增加血液循環、進行指甲及手部護理,使雙手更年輕、白滑,指甲生長健康,有效強化指甲及滋潤指甲邊緣表皮 ◆ 使用說明: 較短的刷毛有效地在指甲下清潔 較長的刷毛可軟化角質層並刺激甲床,使指甲生長健康 *即使在水中刷毛仍然堅硬,乾濕兩用 *如果肌膚紅腫請調整合適力度使用 ◆ 護理: 使用後沖洗乾淨,自然風乾,刷毛朝下 Natural Sisal bristles cleans your nails and exfoliates the skin around nails and cuticles. The carved wooden handles make gripping this handy manicure tool really easy to clean, exfoliate and refine your cuticles. The extra firm natural Sisal bristle is excellent for really removing stubborn dirt under the nails and on the hands. The bristles remain stiff even in water and improve with age. The short stiff bristles on one side clean under nails effectively while the longer bristles on the other soften cuticles and stimulate the nail bed for healthy nail growth while exfoliating the skin and boosting blood flow for smoother younger looking hands.  Care: wash when needed in soapy water, rinse and air dry naturally with bristles facing down. Wood: Beechwood (FSC® Certified) Bristles: Natural Sisal (Extra Stiff) 

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